7 easy ways busy dads can put their kids first

7 easy ways busy dads can put their kids first

We’ve got to send a shout out to all those hardworking dads out there. Between tight deadlines at work, showing up to office social events, and the never ending list of household responsibilities, it’s a miracle you guys can stay awake past 9pm.

But here’s the thing: quality time with the kids tends to fall to the wayside when you’re a career-driven dad. And that’s not cool. Because even though having young kids can make the days seem unbearably long, the years are actually zipping by. So before you wake up to realize you’re living with teenagers (scary), here’s a list of ways you can integrate a little extra kiddo time into your busy routine.

    1. Make dinner together
    If your little ones are old enough to hold their own in the kitchen, cooking as a family is a fantastic way to squeeze in a little quality time while getting things done. Here’s a post on fun family-friendly cooking ideas to get you started.

      2. Leave the car at home
      When geography (and weather) allows, ditch the car in favor of a bike ride or a walk. Whether you’re headed to a dentist appointment or dropping them off at a friend’s house, choosing a slower mode of transportation will earn you some precious extra minutes with your kids. Bonus points for teaching them not to be lazy.

        3. Run errands together
        By Sunday afternoon you’ve likely got a whole list of things to pick up. Why not bring the kids along? Blast some tunes in the car, stop at Whole Foods on the way home for some organic VerMints and ice cream, and you’ve just earned yourself #1 Dad status.

          4. Keep track of their extra curriculars
          When soccer games, ballet recitals, and school plays are booked in your calendar alongside your own meetings and appointments, you’re much more likely to make time to show up.

            5. Put them to work
            Your mile-long chore list isn’t going anywhere, so you might as well enlist the kids to help you out. It’ll give you some time to catch up while instilling a sense of responsibility at a young age.

              6. Turn off the TV
              Instead of zoning out to Netflix after work, spend some time hanging out with your kids before dinner. Playing a  family picnic game or helping them with their homework a little bit each day is a great way to put your kids first. If you're really craving some telly time, watch something the kids can enjoy too!

              7. Give them your number
              Let your kids know they can come to you. Make sure they know how to reach you, even when you’re at the office. Your being available sends the message to your kids that they’re a priority.

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