Four Gluten-Free Christmas Cookie Recipes That Won’t Disappoint

Four Gluten-Free Christmas Cookie Recipes That Won’t Disappoint


A gluten-free diet is always a bit trickier to manage around the holidays, especially with all the parties lined up for December. If your friends, family and co-workers are understanding enough to provide gluten-free goodies, hold them close and never let them go. But for everybody else, here are some super scrumptious, easy-to-make gluten-free cookie recipes that even the non-celiacs will want to gobble up!

Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Amy in the Kitchen absolutely nailed this recipe in only six, simple ingredients. To quote Amy, “Mint + chocolate = love.” Now that’s an equation we understand.

5 Ingredient Dark Chocolate Macaroons

Here’s another math equation for you: Five ingredients + 30 minutes = coconut heaven. Seriously. Vegan, gluten free macaroons have never been so easy. Pull out your blender or food processor and make magic happen. Perhaps our favorite thing about this recipe is that it eliminates the hunt for gluten-free flour (are we the only ones who ALWAYS forget to put this on the grocery list?) Big thanks to Minimalist Baker for this recipe — a must-have at all holiday parties this season.

Gingerbread Quinoa Breakfast Cookies

That’s right. Thanks to Healthful Pursuit blogger Leanne Vogel, you can even eat gingerbread for breakfast. Head over to her blog to find out why blackstrap is the only molasses you’ll ever want to cook with ever again (hint: it’s a kick-ass superfood!). And if you want to make these vegan, gluten-free, nut-free cookies feel a little more traditional, grab some cookie cutters and don’t tell anybody they’re healthy. 

Chocolate Almond Thumbprints

WARNING: These cookies are NOT vegan or sugar-free. They are, however, highly addictive. You’re going to want to eat them three-at-a-time! You may never be satisfied by another cookie again. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. All that aside, these DEEEE-licious little thumbprints from Food Fanatic are sweet, chocolaty, gluten-free, and just perfect for the holidays.

Grab these four recipes and more, over on our Gluten-Free Recipes Pinterest board!

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